In early 2021, as a prelude to The Suburban Abyss, I self-published the “lost” first (and thus far only) issue of Desperation Fanzine, a collection of nonfiction writing documenting a certain self-effacing, self-flagellating state of mind I was in after turning 40, particularly as it related to my lack of “success” as a writer.
Part of why we love people is this vulnerability to share the parts of us that the world needs more of to shine and light the way for anyone who is alive. It is a gift you have been given to sculpt your experiences and thoughts into digestible snacks, treats, meals. Dishwashers be damned.
Your dalliance with poetry in your 20s didn’t fail, and I hope you don’t shred anything. Here’s to the cosmic accidents, and inevitabilities, and trying hard to say them.
Part of why we love people is this vulnerability to share the parts of us that the world needs more of to shine and light the way for anyone who is alive. It is a gift you have been given to sculpt your experiences and thoughts into digestible snacks, treats, meals. Dishwashers be damned.
Thank you. I love you.
Your dalliance with poetry in your 20s didn’t fail, and I hope you don’t shred anything. Here’s to the cosmic accidents, and inevitabilities, and trying hard to say them.
If I shred anything, I’ll let you peek at the 💩 first.